컴퓨터 구조 The proccessor
4.1 Introduction
핵심적인 MIPS 명령어는 다음과 같이 3종류가 있다.
- 메모리 참조 명령어인 워드 적재(lw) 워드 저장(sw)
- 산술/논리 명령어인 add, sub, AND, OR, slt
- 같을 시 분기 명령어인 beq와 점프 명령어 j
위 명령어들은 모두 아래의 처음 두 단계는 동일하다.
- Send PC and fetch
- Read one or two registers
Data path
Fetching instruction
Source:University of Florida
R formed instruction
instruction : op(6)rs(5)rt(5)rd(5)shamt(5)function(6)
Source:University of Florida
Load and store instruction
instruction : op(6)rs(5)rt(5)addr(16)
Source:University of Florida
Jump, Branch
Source:University of Florida
4.5 An overview of Pipelining
- multiple instructions are overlapped in excution
MIPS instruction steps
- Fetch
- Decode and read registers
- Excute the operation
- Access an operand in data memory
- Write the result into a register
(time Pipelining) : (thime pipelined) / (#pipeline stages)